Physics Applets in HTML5
This page contains links to physics applets that I and others have created to work in HTML 5. These applets will work on any browser including those used on iPads, iPhones and Android devices that support HTML 5.These applets are inspired by the PhET applets.
Additional HTML5 Simulations
In case you want to use any physics simulations in your classes, here are links to some great HTML5 simulations
- Andrew Duffy at Boston University. Nice Wave sims.
- Walter Fendt has updated many of his Java sims to work in HTML5 now.
- PhET Excellent site.
- Frank McCulley's HTML5 sims
Some useful HTML5 resources:
- Creating Interactive Web Simulation using HTML5 and Javascript by Dan Schroeder (good list of resource links here.)
- Creating Physics Simulations for Smartphones, Tablet Devices, and Computers in HTML5 Wolfgang Bauer, Michigan State University (another good list of resource links here.)
- Introduction to Programming the HTML5 Canvas by Elaine Blomeyer
- HTML5 ROCKS Case Study: Auto-Resizing HTML5 Games by Derek Detweiler Free