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Picture of Steven Sahyun

Contact Information:
Steven Sahyun
Physics Department
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
800 W. Main St.
Whitewater, WI 53190

Telephone: 262-472-5113 (on campus: x5113)
Office: Upham 157.
Webex Link

I am an associate professor in the Physics Department at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater.

For the Summer 2024 session (6W1), I am teaching PHYSCS 130: Physics Foundations (online).

My Student Help Session / Office Hours for Summer 2024 are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 11:45 am in Upham 157 or available via Webex. Other times available by appointment. These times are subject to change due to meetings. See the schedule below for more information or if you need a meeting at a different time.

Featured Items:

Picture of 3D printed map
3D printing Objects for
Physics Accessible Learning

Picture of Newton's Second Law applet
Physics Applets

Picture of Newton's Second Law applet
Virtual Lab

Try the download link below if the PDF cannot be displayed.

Schedule link to download this .pdf file.

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For comments on webpage: sahyuns@uww.edu.
This page is © Copyright 2016 Steven Sahyun
Last updated: January 11, 2022 by SCS.
URL: http://sahyun.net