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3D Augmented Reality Birds Web Page

This page is an example of incorporating scanned birds as augmented reality (AR) objects into a Web site.

Choose from the list of of objects on the left or from the table below to view object of interest.

Table of Birds in alphabetical order by bird type

Least Bittern

Male American Black Duck

Northern Bobwhite


Indigo Bunting


Canvasback (m)

Brown Headed Cowbird

Leucistic Crow


Northern Flicker

Female Gadwall

Marbled Godwit

Male Common Goldeneye

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk


Belted Kingfisher

Female Mallard

Male Mallard

Male Common Merganser

Female Hooded Merganser

Male Hooded Merganser

Red-breasted Merganser

Great Horned Owl

Eastern Screech Owl

White Pelican

Passenger Pigeon

Northern Pintail

Male Redhead

Male Scaup

Female Northern Shoveler

Male Northern Shoveler

Blue-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

Common Tern


Male American Wigeon

Male Wood Duck

Common Yellowthroat

Table of Birds by feature

Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk

Leucistic Crow

How to view these Objects

On newer devices, you should be able to use the augmented reality (AR) feature in your Web browser to view the item. Alternatively, you may download the object from the link and use a separate app to view the object in AR.

For example, on Apple iOS devices (iPhone, iPad), you should be able to use the AR cube icon at the lower right of the object to view the item. Touch the cube icon, then "Allow" to open and view the 3D object with your device's camera.

Web page view highlighting AR cube

You may need to move the device around so that it can find an appropriate location for you to place the object. The image below shows an AR object displayed on a table using an iPad.

View of iPad displaying AR object

How These Items Were Created

The objects were scanned using Apple's Reality Composer for iPad on an iPad Pro to create USDZ VR object files.

These items are then converted to GLB format using a stand alone program or an on-line converter. There are several available. For these models, I used the FileStar* conversion program or the on-line site ASPOSE

The objects are displayed in the pages using Model-Viewer and the Google .js source api.

Please note: If the bird is not displaying, try reloading the page. The download seems to get stuck sometimes.

For comments on webpage: sahyuns@uww.edu.
This page is © Copyright 2024 Steven Sahyun
Last updated: August 11, 2024 by SCS.
URL: http://sahyun.net

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