
There are a number of available resources to aid your physics learning.

There is a special site related to your text book: The Physics Place.


The first resource is your text book. However, a single book is often limited in the descriptions, methods, and examples that it has. Thus, you are encouraged to seek alternate explanations and examples from other books. The Andersen library has a number of physics books in the stacks, just do a keyword search for the subject you're looking for.

Here are a few books that other students have found useful:


Your fellow students are a great source for learning. Another person may have a different way of looking at a problem that aids your understanding. Also, by explaining a physics concept or problem to others, you gain a better understanding of that topic.

Working together on problems is acceptable, but each person must do their own work. Students must adhere to academic integrity for all coursework.

The World Wide Web

There are many other Web sites with useful information (and even more with useless information!). If you find a site that you think would be helpful to the class, e-mail it to me, and I will post it here.

Here are a few places to try:
  • This site has resource material for several activities that we do.
  • You may also find my list of Physics Links a useful starting point.


    I have a few Study guides and demo programs on CD-ROM. You are welcome to check these out from me.


    If you have questions or problems, please come see me, send me e-mail, or call. See my schedule for my office hours. Also, if my door is open (which it usually is if I'm in) stop by.

    People Who Help

    Whitewater Society of Physics Students (SPS) Physics Tutoring.

    Writing Skills Center

    Math Skills Center

    Student Counseling Center

    Created by
    Updated: August 29, 2003